The Ziegenfuss family
The Descendants of Hans Hildebrand Ziegenfuss
Matches 1 to 50 of 4,302
# | Notes | Linked to |
1 | "+Mensium undeciem et totidem Dierum" | WEHR, Anna Maria Theresia (I3489)
2 | "Am 19. Febr. 1865 ward nach dreimaligem Aufgebot zur Copulation nach Halle entlassen." | Family: Joseph MEINHARD / Clara Auguste MEYER (F2705)
3 | "attesta Disp. IV.- III. et III. gradus consang." | ERHARD, Georg Wilhelm (I22466)
4 | "Dimissioriale vom Pfarrer Savels in Koeln" | DANIEL, Johann Paul (I13595)
5 | "Dimissioriale vom Pfarrer Savels in Koeln" | MUELLER, Regina Margaretha (I13594)
6 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | OPFERMANN, M.C. (I9466)
7 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | STRECKER, A.T. (I7246)
8 | "Dispensati sunt a Adm. Commissario Patberg in quarto aequali consanguinitatis gradu. Reavlidatu est die 8va Januari 1785 in praesentia Bernardi Mey et Francisco Brodmann Ludimagistro. Joe: Wand parocho mppma." | Family: Johannes FIEDLER / Maria MARGARETHA MEINHART (F1065)
9 | "dispensatio tertio consang. grad" | DIEDERICH, Maria Anna (I14015)
10 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | BIERWIRTH, J.M.A. (I7950)
11 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | HARTMANN, K.W. (I13135)
12 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | BREITENSTEIN, F.E. (I13824)
13 | "hinterl. 1 major. und 3 minor. Kd" (leaves 1 major and 3 minor children) | FIEDLER, Maria Victoria (I2403)
14 | "hinterl. 1 minor. Tochter" (leaft 1 minor daughter) | MEINHARD, Bernhard (I2312)
15 | "hinterl. 1 Sohn u. Enkel" (left son and grandson) | KOETHE, CHRISTOPH Johannes (I10858)
16 | "hinterl. 2 major. Kinder aus 1. Ehe", keine Kinder aus zweiter Ehe (leaves 2 adult children from 1st marriage, no children from 2nd marriage) | ZIEGENFUSS, Nicolaus (I1966)
17 | "hinterl. 3 Kd" (left 3 children) | KOETHE, Maria Margaretha (I10873)
18 | "hinterl. 3 major. Kinder und 2 Kd der verst. Katharina verehel. gewesener Georg Meinhard" (leaves 3 major children and 2 children of Katharina, wife of Georg Meinhard) | WOLF, Johannes BERNARD (I2379)
19 | "hinterl. 4 Kd" (left 4 children) | KOETHE, Maria ELISABETH (I10859)
20 | "hinterl. 4 major. u. 3 minor. Kd" (left 4 major and 3 minor children) | ZIEGENFUSS, Johannes WILHELM (I2073)
21 | "hinterl. 4 major. und 2 minor. Kd" (leaves 4 major and 2 minor children) Eltern: Ernst und Maria Theresia Sieland (parents: Ernst and Maria Theresia Sieland) | STOEBER, Anna MARGARETHA (I431)
22 | "hinterl. 5 major. Kinder", Eltern: Johannes Adam und Anna Sophia Meinhard (left 5 major children, parents: Johannes Adam and Anna Sophia Meinhard) | DOERING, Johann PAULUS (I14337)
23 | "hinterl. Barthel, Joseph u. ?" (leaft Barthel, Joseph and ?" | KOETHE, Catharina Margaretha (I10953)
24 | "hinterl. Gatten u. 1 minor. Enkel" (left husband and 1 minor grandchild) | GEBHARD, CHRISTINA Elisabeth (I3164)
25 | "hinterl. Gatten u. 1 minor. Kd" (left husband and 1 minor child) | MEINHART, Elisabeth (I2311)
26 | "hinterl. Gatten u. 2 Kd" (left husband and 2 children) | KOETHE, Anna MARGARETHA (I10879)
27 | "hinterl. Gatten u. 3 minor. Kd" (left husband and 3 minor children) | DOERING, Maria KATHARINA (I14342)
28 | "hinterl. Gatten u. 5 Kd. und 5 Enkel" (left husband, 5 children and 5 grandchildren) | BAERWALD, Maria Catharina (I2550)
29 | "hinterl. Gatten u. 6 Kd" (left husband and 6 children) | MEY, Maria ELEONORA (I14338)
30 | "hinterl. Gatten und 1 minor. Kinder" (left husband and 1 minor child) | GEBHARD, Anna Maria ELEONORA (I3162)
31 | "hinterl. Gatten und 2 minor. Kinder" (leaves husband and 2 minor children) | GLEITZ, Anna Maria Eleonora Catharina (I2343)
32 | "hinterl. Gatten und 4 Kd." (left husband and 4 children) | WEHR, Franziska (I3493)
33 | "hinterl. Gattin u. 2 minor. Kd" (left wife and 2 minor children) | KOETHE, Johannes (I10901)
34 | "hinterl. Gattin u. 3 Kd u. 2 Enkel" (left wife, 3 children and 2 grandchildren) | KOETHE, Johannes GEORG (I10855)
35 | "hinterl. Gattin und 2 minor. Kinder" (leaves wife and 2minor children) | FRANKE, Johannes NICOLAUS (I2404)
36 | "hinterliess Gattin und 6 min. Soehne" (KB Hadmersleben, S1859/039/013) | ZIEGENFUSS, Carl JACOB (I327)
37 | "impetrata dispensatione in quarto consanguinitatis gradu inaequali, " "hinterl. 5 major. Kinder" | ZIEGENFUSS, Elisabeth (I2882)
38 | "impetrata dispensatione in quarto consanguinitatis gradu inaequali, " "hinterl. Gattin und 5 minor. Kinder" | GEBHARD, Joseph (I2883)
39 | "ist aus Furcht der vaeterlichen Strafe ins Wasser gesprungen und ist ertrunken" | ZIEGENFUSS, Bernhard (I187)
40 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | GEBHARD, J.J. (I9338)
41 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | BREITENSTEIN, J. (I12795)
42 | "Laut Bescheinigung der koenigl. Direktion der Provincial "Irren" Anstalt zu halle d. d. 10.12.1872 starb daselbst an den Folgen fortschreitender Gehirnkrankheit am 9ten c. m. ...." | ZIEGENFUSS, Jacob (I5894)
43 | "legitim. per matrim. subsequens" (born illegitimate) | WEDEKIND, Andreas (I17986)
44 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | MEYER, M.J. (I9837)
45 | "Mit Consens des Vormundschaftsgericht d. d. Dingelstaedt 11. Febr. 1852. Dispens. 3tiae spons. proclam. omittendae, nec non temporis clausi d. d. Heil. 19. Nov. c. " | Family: Johannes JOSEPH WIEGEL / Maria Magdalena SCHADE (F1137)
46 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | BREITENSTEIN, C.E. (I13789)
47 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | BREITENSTEIN, P. (I13796)
48 | "Nach dreimaligem Aufgebot Dom I p. Epiph. u. bin. sequ. wurde zur Trauung nach Neustadt Eberswalde entlassen." | Family: Joseph LEONARD MEINHARD / Eleonora MAI (F1451)
49 | "Nach dreimaligem Aufgebot Dom. inf. oct. nat. u. bin. sequ. wurde zur Copulation nach Beuren entlassen." Sie war Wite, Eltern: Sebastian und Dorothea Rogge (She was a widow, parents: Sebastian and Dorothea Rogge) | RODE, Maria Anna (I3190)
50 | "Nach dreimaligem Aufgebot Dom. inf. oct. nat. u. bin. sequ. wurde zur Copulation nach Beuren entlassen." | GEBHARD, Martin (I3178)